Каучукова база Поталь Global Fashion 8 мл, 25

5/3 reviews
Code of product 17505Bought 59 times
Каучукова база Поталь Global Fashion 8 мл, 25
5/3 reviews
Code of product 17505Bought 59 times
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Shelf life......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3 года
UAH 155.00
in stock
UAH 155.00
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База Поталь від Global Fashion - це покриття, що камуфлює, в 15 унікальних ніжних відтінках з частинками поталі різних тонів, що створює особливий, повітряний ефект на нігтях. База Поталь поєднує в собі якість базового покриття, так і кольорового відтінкового, що дозволяє значно економити зусилля, час і матеріал у процесі роботи! База виготовлена ​​з високоякісної американської сировини, призначена для вирівнювання та зміцнення нігтьової пластини. Легко наноситься, відмінно розподіляється та самовирівнюється. Забезпечує покриттю стійкість без відшарування та сколів до 3-4 тижнів.

Полімеризується в LED-лампі 30-60 секунд, в UV-лампі 2 хвилини.

Rubber Base Potall Global Fashion 8 ml, 25 – The Revolutionary Nail Extension Solution

If you are looking for a revolutionary and highly efficient solution for nail extensions, then Potall Global Fashion's Rubber Base is just what you need. With its advanced formula and high-quality ingredients, this nail extension base promises to deliver exceptional outcomes, every single time.

So, what sets this product apart from other nail extension bases in the market? The answer lies in its unique composition. The Rubber Base is formulated using high-quality rubber particles, which provide it with unprecedented flexibility and adhesion. This means that when applied to your nails, the base will not only adhere seamlessly to the natural nail bed but also retain its shape and structure over time.

Another unique feature of the Rubber Base is its ability to self-level. This means that the base will spread evenly across your nail surface, eliminating the need for excessive filing, buffing or shaping. This makes it easier to achieve a flawless finish, even for beginners.

What's more, the Rubber Base Potall Global Fashion 8 ml, 25 is designed to be long-lasting and durable. Once applied, the base will not lift, break or chip easily, ensuring that your nail extensions stay looking great for longer.

In addition to its superior quality, the Rubber Base also comes in a wide range of colors, making it ideal for any occasion or event. Whether it's a formal gathering, a casual party or a night out on the town, the base can be easily matched with different outfits and styles.

So, if you are looking to take your nail game to the next level, then the Rubber Base Potall Global Fashion 8 ml, 25 is the perfect solution for you. With its unmatched quality, flexibility, adhesion, and durability, this nail extension base will help you achieve salon-worthy nails in the comfort of your own home. Try it today and experience the difference for yourself!

In conclusion, nail extensions are a great way to enhance the look of your nails, but they require quality products that can deliver exceptional outcomes. With its advanced formula and unique composition, the Rubber Base Potall Global Fashion 8 ml, 25 is the solution you need for flawless, long-lasting nail extensions. So, get your hands on this revolutionary product today and enjoy beautiful nails like never before.