Каучукова база Поталь Global Fashion 8 мл, 18

5/3 reviews
Code of product 17498Bought 45 times
Каучукова база Поталь Global Fashion 8 мл, 18
5/3 reviews
Code of product 17498Bought 45 times
Additional information
Shelf life......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3 года
Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
46 g
8 ml
8 cm
3 cm
UAH 155.00
in stock
UAH 155.00
Additional information

База Поталь від Global Fashion - це покриття, що камуфлює, в 15 унікальних ніжних відтінках з частинками поталі різних тонів, що створює особливий, повітряний ефект на нігтях. База Поталь поєднує в собі якість базового покриття, так і кольорового відтінкового, що дозволяє значно економити зусилля, час і матеріал у процесі роботи! База виготовлена ​​з високоякісної американської сировини, призначена для вирівнювання та зміцнення нігтьової пластини. Легко наноситься, відмінно розподіляється та самовирівнюється. Забезпечує покриттю стійкість без відшарування та сколів до 3-4 тижнів.

Полімеризується в LED-лампі 30-60 секунд, в UV-лампі 2 хвилини.

Rubber Base Potall Global Fashion 8 ml, 18

Are you tired of your nail extensions not lasting long enough? Do you find yourself constantly having to redo them? Look no further than Potall Global Fashion's Rubber Base.

This innovative product is designed to provide a strong and flexible foundation for your nail extensions, ensuring they last longer and remain in great condition. Made with high-quality rubber, the Rubber Base Potall Global Fashion 8 ml, 18 is the perfect solution for clients who demand nothing but the best.

The Rubber Base is easy to apply and can be used with any type of nail extension, including acrylics or gels. The unique formula creates a highly adhesive layer between the natural nail and the extension, ensuring that it does not separate or lift away. The Rubber Base is also highly flexible, which means that it can withstand impacts or stress without breaking or cracking.

The Rubber Base Potall Global Fashion 8 ml, 18 also features an easy-to-apply brush design that makes application quick and hassle-free. The bottle size is just right, so you can carry it wherever you want, and its innovative design ensures that the product doesn't dry out before its time.

Another unique feature of this product is that it is incredibly versatile. We understand that different clients have different preferences when it comes to nail extensions, which is why we've made sure that the product is compatible with all types of nail paints and foils. You can easily apply your base coat, followed by your foil, and lastly, you can apply your topcoat for a stunning and long-lasting finish.

In conclusion, if you're tired of constantly having to redo your nail extensions, or you're someone who has struggled with brittle, easily-breakable nails, give Potall Global Fashion's Rubber Base a try. It's a game-changer in the world of nail extensions and offers a long-lasting solution for anyone who craves strong, healthy nails. Try it today, and experience the confidence that comes with having beautiful, long-lasting nails.