Каучукова база Поталь Global Fashion 8 мл, 19

5/3 reviews
Code of product 17499Bought 21 times
Каучукова база Поталь Global Fashion 8 мл, 19
5/3 reviews
Code of product 17499Bought 21 times
Additional information
Shelf life......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3 года
UAH 155.00
in stock
UAH 155.00
About the product

База Поталь від Global Fashion - це покриття, що камуфлює, в 15 унікальних ніжних відтінках з частинками поталі різних тонів, що створює особливий, повітряний ефект на нігтях. База Поталь поєднує в собі якість базового покриття, так і кольорового відтінкового, що дозволяє значно економити зусилля, час і матеріал у процесі роботи! База виготовлена ​​з високоякісної американської сировини, призначена для вирівнювання та зміцнення нігтьової пластини. Легко наноситься, відмінно розподіляється та самовирівнюється. Забезпечує покриттю стійкість без відшарування та сколів до 3-4 тижнів.

Полімеризується в LED-лампі 30-60 секунд, в UV-лампі 2 хвилини.

Rubber Base Potall Global Fashion is a highly popular and effective nail extension product that is well-known for its superior quality and long-lasting results. This product is designed to provide a strong base for nail extensions while also improving nail health and promoting nail growth. At just 8ml, this tiny bottle contains powerful ingredients that work to nourish and hydrate the nails, creating a smooth and flawless surface that is perfect for nail art and other designs. The rubber base is highly flexible, making it ideal for those who need a product that can bend and move with their natural nail growth. The Potall Global Fashion Rubber Base is easy to apply and can be used with a variety of nail extensions and artificial nails. It is specifically formulated to provide a strong hold that will ensure that your nail extensions stay in place for longer periods of time. Additionally, this rubber base can be used as a standalone product to improve the health of your natural nails, as it contains vitamins and minerals that strengthen and nourish the nails. The product is highly durable, with an average wear time of up to 3 weeks when used correctly. It works perfectly with foil bases, which can be used to create unique and eye-catching designs. Nail technicians and enthusiasts alike love using Rubber Base Potall Global Fashion for its ease of use and high-quality results. The Rubber Base Potall Global Fashion comes in a range of beautiful colors, including the classic white and pink shades that are perfect for creating French tips. This product is priced affordably, making it accessible to anyone who wants to achieve beautiful, long-lasting nail extensions. In conclusion, if you are looking for a high-quality and effective nail extension product, Rubber Base Potall Global Fashion is definitely worth considering. With its advanced formula and superior quality, this product is sure to make your nails look amazing and last for weeks. Try it out today and see the difference for yourself!