База Поталь від Global Fashion - це покриття, що камуфлює, в 15 унікальних ніжних відтінках з частинками поталі різних тонів, що створює особливий, повітряний ефект на нігтях. База Поталь поєднує в собі якість базового покриття, так і кольорового відтінкового, що дозволяє значно економити зусилля, час і матеріал у процесі роботи! База виготовлена з високоякісної американської сировини, призначена для вирівнювання та зміцнення нігтьової пластини. Легко наноситься, відмінно розподіляється та самовирівнюється. Забезпечує покриттю стійкість без відшарування та сколів до 3-4 тижнів.
Полімеризується в LED-лампі 30-60 секунд, в UV-лампі 2 хвилини.
Nail extensions are a popular trend these days, and with good reason. Whether you're looking to make a statement with your nails or just want to switch up your look, nail extensions can help you achieve the desired results. However, to achieve the perfect set of nail extensions, you need the right tools and products.
One important product that you need in your nail extension toolkit is a good quality base. The Potall Global Fashion 8ml, 20 rubber base is an excellent product that you should consider. This rubber base is designed to provide a strong, long-lasting bond for your nail extensions, giving you peace of mind that your nails will stay in place for as long as you need them to.
But what exactly is a rubber base and why is it important for nail extensions?
A rubber base is a type of nail polish that contains a rubberized polymer. The polymer creates a flexible, stretchy layer that can conform to the shape of your nails. This allows the base to move with your natural nail as it grows, preventing the nail extension from lifting or peeling off over time. The rubber base also provides excellent adhesion to the layer of the nail extension, keeping it firmly attached to your natural nail.
The Potall Global Fashion 8ml, 20 rubber base is designed to be used with foil bases. Foil bases are thin sheets of aluminum that are applied to the natural nail before the rubber base is applied. The foil base helps to ensure that the rubber base spreads evenly over the nail, creating a smooth and even surface for the nail extension. The rubber base also provides a barrier between the natural nail and the adhesive used to attach the foil base, preventing any damage to the natural nail.
Overall, if you're looking for a reliable and high-quality rubber base for your nail extensions, the Potall Global Fashion 8ml, 20 rubber base is an excellent choice. With its flexible and stretchy properties, it will help to keep your nail extensions in place for as long as you need them, while the foil base provides an even and smooth surface for easy application. So why not give it a try and take your nail game to the next level!