Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-2

Code of product 1893Bought 16 times
Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-2
Code of product 1893Bought 16 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
129 g
80 ml
7.8 cm
7.8 cm
5.7 cm
UAH 588.00
in stock
UAH 588.00
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Камуфлирующий гель для наращивания и моделирования ногтей от Global Fashion — это двухфазный материал, не требующий нанесения базы. Гель имеет пигментированный цвет, может применяться как для френча, так и в качестве основы под гель-лак, а также служить самостоятельным цветным покрытием. Продукт имеет среднюю консистенцию, не растекается при моделировании, хорошо опиливается пилочкой или фрезой. Гель можно использовать для укрепления ногтевой пластины и наращивания любой, даже экстремальной длины – он очень крепкий. Обладает самовыравнивающимся эффектом, легко распределяется по поверхности, образует идеальный блик, не течёт, хорошо держит форму. Палитра геля содержит прозрачный, белый и 6 самых востребованных оттенков камуфляжа, которые идеально подойдут для решения повседневных задач любого мастера!

Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-2: The Ultimate Solution for Trendy Nail Extensions

Nail extensions have become an essential part of the fashion industry. People, especially women, prefer not only to keep their natural nails clean and tidy but also want to adorn them with trendy and eye-catching designs. With advancements in the beauty industry, nail extensions have become convenient and easily accessible for everyone. Among different forms of nail extensions, gel extensions have become the most popular ones due to their durability and flexibility.

The Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-2 is one of the most sought-after products when it comes to gel extensions. It’s the perfect solution for those who want to stand out with trendy and stylish nails. The camo-2 gel, in particular, is a unique blend of green and brown, carefully designed to give a camouflage effect to the nails. It comes in an 80-gram tube, which is enough for multiple applications.

The Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-2 is a two-phase gel that is ideal for professional use. Unlike other gel products, this gel is easy to apply and does not cause any damage to the natural nails. It has excellent bonding properties and can be used for both sculpting and building nail extensions. Additionally, the camo-2 gel is self-leveling, giving the nails a smooth and polished look without any bumps or uneven surfaces.

One of the main benefits of the Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-2 is that it’s long-lasting. The camo-2 gel can remain on nails for up to 3-4 weeks without chipping or peeling off. It also keeps its shine and color for the entire duration, ensuring that your nails always look perfect.

In conclusion, the Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-2 is the ultimate solution for trendy nail extensions. Its unique color and self-leveling properties make it ideal for creating beautiful nail designs, and its durability ensures that the nails remain flawless for a long time. So if you want to get beautiful and stylish nails, the Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-2 is the product you need to try.