Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-3

Code of product 1822Bought 10 times
Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-3
Code of product 1822Bought 10 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
129 g
80 ml
7.8 cm
7.8 cm
5.7 cm
UAH 588.00
in stock
UAH 588.00
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Камуфлирующий гель для наращивания и моделирования ногтей от Global Fashion — это двухфазный материал, не требующий нанесения базы. Гель имеет пигментированный цвет, может применяться как для френча, так и в качестве основы под гель-лак, а также служить самостоятельным цветным покрытием. Продукт имеет среднюю консистенцию, не растекается при моделировании, хорошо опиливается пилочкой или фрезой. Гель можно использовать для укрепления ногтевой пластины и наращивания любой, даже экстремальной длины – он очень крепкий. Обладает самовыравнивающимся эффектом, легко распределяется по поверхности, образует идеальный блик, не течёт, хорошо держит форму. Палитра геля содержит прозрачный, белый и 6 самых востребованных оттенков камуфляжа, которые идеально подойдут для решения повседневных задач любого мастера!

Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-3 is a revolutionary product in the world of nail extensions. This two-phase gel has been designed with the latest technology to provide a flawless and long-lasting finish to your nails. With its unique mixture of colors and textures, this gel is perfect for those who want to create a trendy and eye-catching look for their nails.

One of the benefits of using Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-3 is its versatility. It can be used to create different nail extension styles, including French, square, round or oval shapes. This makes it an excellent option for both professional nail technicians and those who want to do their nails at home.

Another advantage of Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-3 is that it has a quick curing time, ensuring that your nails are done in no time. The gel cures under UV light for only two minutes, making it ideal for those who are always on the go. The gel is also easy to apply and remove, so you won't have to worry about damaging your natural nails.

The gel has been formulated with high-quality ingredients that ensure a strong and durable bond to the nail bed. You can be sure that your nails will remain chip-free and looking fabulous for up to four weeks.

Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-3 comes in a camouflage pattern, perfect for those who love bold and edgy styles. This unique gel will add a touch of personality to your nails, making them stand out from the crowd. You can also mix and match different colors and textures to create your custom nail art designs.

In conclusion, Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-3 is an excellent product that guarantees a perfect and lasting finish to your nail extensions. Whether you want to create a classic or unconventional look, this gel is an ideal option. With its unique mixture of colors and textures, fast curing time, and long-lasting results, you can't go wrong with Gel Global Fashion 80 gr camo-3.