Manicure spatula, rectangular pusher + rounded rectangular pusher

Code of product 8075Article L-5Bought 23 times
Manicure spatula, rectangular pusher + rounded rectangular pusher
Code of product 8075Article L-5Bought 23 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
32 g
20.5 cm
5.5 cm
0.1 cm
UAH 100.00
in stock
UAH 100.00
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Інструменти Global Fashion Professional - це сталь першокласної якості в поєднанні з високим рівнем професіоналізму. Легувальні добавки підвищують міцність, корозійну стійкість сталі, знижують небезпеку крихкого руйнування. Завдяки ручному заточенню, інструмент протягом тривалого періоду залишається гострим, даючи змогу виконувати якісний манікюр і педикюр, а нержавіюча медична сталь, з якої виготовлений інструмент, є стійкою до корозії. Універсальність, ергономічний дизайн і довговічність використання - основні характеристики інструменту, які роблять його незамінними помічниками в догляді за собою.

When it comes to achieving a perfect manicure, having the right tools can make all the difference. One of the essential tools for any nail professional or DIY enthusiast is the manicure spatula, also known as a rectangular pusher or rounded rectangular pusher.

A manicure spatula is a dual-ended tool used to push back cuticles and clean underneath the nails. The rectangular end is often used to gently push back the cuticles from the nail bed, while the rounded rectangular end is ideal for cleaning the dirt and debris accumulated under the nails.

Using a manicure spatula is crucial to make your nails look neat and clean. It helps keep your cuticles healthy and prevents them from becoming overgrown or infected. Furthermore, regularly cleaning the debris under your nails is essential for maintaining proper hygiene.

The rectangular and rounded rectangular pushers are both great options to have in your manicure tool kit, and each has its unique uses. The rectangular pusher is ideal for those with larger nail beds, while the rounded rectangular pusher is perfect for smaller nail beds or for reaching difficult areas around the cuticles.

It's essential to choose a high-quality manicure spatula to ensure that you get the best results. A good-quality spatula should have a sturdy handle and be made of stainless steel, which is durable and long-lasting. It should also be easy to clean and sanitize between users.

When using a manicure spatula, always be gentle and careful not to push back your cuticles too far as it can cause irritation or infection. Additionally, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before and after using it to prevent the spread of germs.

In conclusion, adding a manicure spatula, specifically a rectangular pusher and a rounded rectangular pusher, to your nail tool kit is an excellent investment for achieving the perfect manicure. With proper usage, a manicure spatula can help keep your nails looking healthy and beautiful.