The wax in the cassettes GF-strawberry

Code of product 7932Article DK-04Bought 118 times
The wax in the cassettes GF-strawberry
Code of product 7932Article DK-04Bought 118 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
140 g
14.3 cm
5 cm
2.3 cm
UAH 48.00
UAH 60.00
in stock
UAH 48.00
UAH 60.00
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Віск у касетах Global Fashion, призначений для дбайливого і легкого видалення небажаних волосків на тілі. За допомогою цього препарату можна швидко позбутися небажаного волосся в будь-якій проблемній зоні. Віск має приємний аромат полуниці. Підходить для всіх типів волосся і типів шкіри. Надає пом'якшувальну та протизапальну дію. За допомогою воску можна отримати оксамитову гладку шкіру без подразнень. Підходить для проведення процедур депіляції як у салоні краси, так і в домашніх умовах.

Теплий віск наноситься на шкіру тонким прозорим шаром і добре зчіплюється навіть з маленькими волосинками і видаляється тільки за допомогою спеціального паперу. Віск має гіпоалергенний склад на основі натуральних ефірних олій.

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Waxing is an essential part of most people's beauty routines. It is a method of removing unwanted hair from the root, and it is one of the most effective ways to achieve long-lasting smooth skin. The wax used for the procedure comes in various forms, including hard wax, soft wax, and wax in cassettes. One of the most popular types of wax in cassettes is GF-strawberry wax.

GF-strawberry wax is a type of soft wax that is widely used in beauty salons and spas. It is made from natural ingredients, including beeswax, vegetable oil, and strawberry extracts. These ingredients are carefully chosen for their moisturizing and soothing properties, which make the wax ideal for people with sensitive skin.

The wax comes in pre-loaded cassettes, which are easy to use and mess-free. The cassettes are designed to fit into wax heaters, where they are heated to a comfortable temperature for hair removal. The wax in the cassettes is soft and pliable, which makes it easy to apply and remove.

One of the main advantages of GF-strawberry wax is that it is gentle on the skin. The strawberry extracts in the wax help to soothe the skin, reducing the risk of irritation and redness. This makes it an excellent choice for people with sensitive skin who want to enjoy the benefits of waxing without the discomfort.

Another benefit of GF-strawberry wax is that it is effective at removing even the most stubborn hair. The wax adheres to the hair and not the skin, which means that it is less painful than other types of wax. This is particularly beneficial for people who are new to waxing or who have a low pain threshold.

In conclusion, GF-strawberry wax is an excellent choice for people who want to achieve long-lasting smooth skin without the discomfort associated with other forms of hair removal. The wax comes in pre-loaded cassettes, which are easy to use and mess-free. Its moisturizing and soothing properties make it ideal for people with sensitive skin, and it is effective at removing even the most stubborn hair. If you want to experience the benefits of GF-strawberry wax for yourself, visit your local beauty salon or spa.