Monomer, 120 ml

Code of product 1548Article AK-01-120Bought 113 times
Monomer, 120 ml
Code of product 1548Article AK-01-120Bought 113 times
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Shelf life......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3 years
Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
170 g
120 ml
4.3 cm
4.3 cm
UAH 181.00
in stock
UAH 181.00
Additional information

Мономер - рідина, яка використовується під час нарощування нігтів. Рідина змішується з акриловим порошком, створюючи суміш, яка на повітрі стає твердою. Середній час затвердіння - 2 хвилини.

Спосіб застосування: Для отримання пластичного матеріалу, пензлик спершу занурюють у мономер, а потім в акриловий порошок.

Властивості: -Легко з'єднується з акриловими пудрами, утворюючи міцне покриття, -Забезпечує рівне і міцне зчеплення з самим нігтем, -Знижує до мінімуму кількість пилу під час обпилювання, -Нова формула дає змогу знизити інтенсивність запаху на 50%.

Monomer is an essential ingredient in acrylic nail extensions. It is a clear liquid that is mixed with acrylic powder to form a paste that can be applied to the nails. The term monomer refers to a molecule that can react with another to form a polymer. In the case of acrylic nail extensions, the monomer is used to react with the acrylic powder to create a hard and durable nail extension.

One bottle of monomer can come in different sizes, with 120 ml being a common one. This amount is enough to create several sets of nail extensions, depending on the size and length of the nails.

When working with monomer, it is important to follow safety precautions, as it is a chemical substance that can cause skin irritation or allergy. It is recommended to wear gloves and a face mask to avoid direct contact with the skin and inhalation of the fumes.

To use monomer, you will need to mix it with acrylic powder in a ratio that depends on the desired thickness and consistency. This process should be done carefully to ensure that there are no lumps or air bubbles in the mixture.

Once the paste is ready, it can be applied to the natural nail or a nail tip, depending on the client's preference. The nail extension is then sculpted and shaped before being allowed to dry and harden. The result is a strong and long-lasting nail extension that can stay intact for several weeks.

In conclusion, monomer is an essential ingredient in acrylic nail extensions that allows stylists to create durable and beautiful nail extensions. By following safety precautions and working carefully, you can create stunning nails that your clients will love. And with a 120 ml bottle, you can make multiple sets of nails with ease.