Buff for polishing of nails of the Global Fashion, 80/100/120/180

Code of product 5290Bought 131 times
Buff for polishing of nails of the Global Fashion, 80/100/120/180
Code of product 5290Bought 131 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
7 g
2.5 cm
2.5 cm
9.5 cm
UAH 20.00
in stock
UAH 20.00
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Product code: BA 05-3

It will remove irregularities, roughness, yellowing of the nail plate. Gives Shine. Four working surface made of hardened plastic foam.

Information for wholesale customers: order from 6 pieces

In the world of fashion and beauty, nail extensions have gained immense popularity over the years. In order to maintain their beauty and durability, you need to invest in some basic tools to maintain your nail extensions. One such tool is a buff, used for polishing nails to give them a smooth finish.

A buff is essentially a small instrument that uses a spinning motion to gently grind down and smooth the surface of a nail. There are different types of buffs available in the market with varying grits. Grit refers to the roughness of the buff's surface and it is measured in numbers. The most commonly used grits are 80, 100, 120, and 180.

An 80 grit buff is the most coarse, meant to shape and remove any rough edges or bumps on the nails. The 100 grit is slightly smoother and can help to even out the surface of the nail. The 120 grit is even smoother and can be used for fine-tuning the shape and texture of the nails. The 180 grit is the smoothest and is used to polish the nails to a shine.

When using a buff, it is important to keep in mind the proper technique. First, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Then, shape your nails with a coarse file if necessary. After that, you can start using the buff starting with the coarsest grit and working your way up to the smoothest.

It is important to not over-buff your nails as this can weaken them and make them prone to breaking. It is also recommended to only buff once a month to give your nails a chance to naturally grow and heal in between uses.

In conclusion, a buff is an essential tool for maintaining and polishing your nail extensions. When used correctly, it can give your nails a smooth and shiny finish. Just remember to use the proper grit and technique to avoid damaging your nails.