Алмазна насадка 880/020B для кутикули, циліндр закруглений із синьою насічкою

Code of product 17379Bought 24 times
Алмазна насадка 880/020B для кутикули, циліндр закруглений із синьою насічкою
Code of product 17379Bought 24 times
Additional information
Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1 g
7 cm
1 cm
0.4 cm
UAH 25.00
in stock
UAH 25.00

Diamond Head for Cuticles, Rounded Cylinder, Blue Notch 880/020B

When it comes to nail extensions, having the right tools can make all the difference. One such tool is the diamond head for cuticles. This tool is used to shape and smooth the cuticle of the nail, creating a polished and professional finish.

The diamond head for cuticles comes in different shapes and sizes, but a popular option is the rounded cylinder with a blue notch, marketed as 880/020B. The blue notch indicates the specific type of diamond grit used, which is important for achieving the desired effect on the cuticle.

The rounded cylinder shape allows for easy maneuvering around the cuticle area, ensuring all edges are smoothed out. The diamond grit is strong enough to remove any rough patches, but gentle enough not to damage the surrounding nail.

To use the diamond head for cuticles, it is recommended to first clean and sterilize the tool. Then, gently guide the diamond head around the cuticle, taking care not to apply too much pressure. With a few passes, the diamond head will smooth out the cuticle, leaving a polished finish.

In addition to the diamond head for cuticles, it is important to consider the other tools needed for nail extensions. Technics such as the type of nail file and the application technique can greatly affect the final result. Nozzles for milling cutters are also essential for shaping and smoothing the nail.

Overall, the diamond head for cuticles is a valuable tool for achieving a professional and polished finish to any nail extension. The rounded cylinder shape and blue notch 880/020B are popular options for achieving the desired results. With proper use and care, this tool can be a staple in any nail technician's toolkit.