Top Reusable Nail Plastic Form System, 120 pcs.

Code of product 16917Bought 111 times
Top Reusable Nail Plastic Form System, 120 pcs.
Code of product 16917Bought 111 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
98 g
15.7 cm
11 cm
2.5 cm
UAH 70.00
in stock
UAH 70.00
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Однією з головних переваг цих форм є їх висока якість.

Вони виготовлені зі спеціального матеріалу, який має добру витривалість та може використовуватися багато разів.

Крім того, форми Nail Plastic Form System дуже зручні у використанні, оскільки їх легко моделювати та прикріплювати на нігтьову пластину.

Їх висока якість, універсальність та зручність використання дозволяє створювати ідеальний манікюр будь-якого типу

Are you tired of using flimsy, one-time use nail forms that never seem to fit your nails just right? Look no further than the Top Reusable Nail Plastic Form System!

This kit includes 120 reusable nail forms in different shapes and sizes to perfectly match your natural nail bed. Unlike traditional paper forms, these plastic ones will not wrinkle or tear during application, ensuring a smooth and flawless finish every time.

Not only are these forms sturdy and durable, but they are also eco-friendly. By using these reusable forms, you're reducing waste and doing your part for the environment.

The Top Reusable Nail Plastic Form System is perfect for both professional nail technicians and at-home DIY enthusiasts. With so many forms included, you'll have plenty to use for all of your future nail extension projects.

So why settle for flimsy, one-time use forms when you can have the Top Reusable Nail Plastic Form System? Upgrade your nail extension game today and achieve the beautiful, long-lasting nails you deserve.