Manicure and pedicure machine 35000 rpm, SML M1

Code of product 16348Article SAM-BF847Bought 31 times
Manicure and pedicure machine 35000 rpm, SML M1
Code of product 16348Article SAM-BF847Bought 31 times
Additional information
Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1315 g
18.5 cm
20.5 cm
8.3 cm
UAH 1,724.40
UAH 1,916.00
in stock
UAH 1,724.40
UAH 1,916.00
Additional information

Апарат для манікюру та педикюру SML M1


  • блок апарату
  • ручка
  • набір стандартних насадок (6 шт)
  • педаль
  • інструкція


Напруга: 110-220 В частота 50/60 Гц швидкість обертання: 35000 об/хв Форвард/реверс Габарити: 150×140×75 мм

Фрезер SML M1 має отвір на корпусі для зручного розміщення ручки.

Панель керування - сенсорна.

Регулятор швидкості обертання розміщений на передній частині блоку апарату.

The SML M1 manicure and pedicure machine is the ideal solution for professional manicurists seeking maximum efficiency and quality in their work. Its compact design makes it easy to use even in confined spaces on the table or in the salon.

A notable feature of this machine is its many different attachments, giving the craftsman endless possibilities for the treatment of nails and the skin around them. Whether it's cuticle removal, filing or polishing, the attachments ensure precision and professional results.

The SML M1 manicure and pedicure machine is highly reliable and long-lasting, allowing technicians to focus on providing quality service to their clients without worrying about equipment malfunctions.

If you are looking for maximum functionality, convenience and reliability in one manicure and pedicure machine, the SML M1 is your ideal choice.