Однією з ключових особливостей гель-фарби Sand gel є її щільна консистенція, завдяки якій нанесення на нігтьову пластину стає неймовірно легким і приємним процесом. При цьому, важливо відзначити, що вона абсолютно не розтікається і не утворює бульбашок, що забезпечує професійний результат без зусиль.
Global Fashion's Sand Gel Colour is the perfect choice for those who want to create original nail designs. Its dense consistency ensures easy application and even coverage of the nail plate. Thanks to its fast polymerisation under UV-lamp and absence of leaking, the process of applying the paint becomes surprisingly easy.
Sand gel paint is the choice of professional manicurists and everyone who loves to do this beautiful and well-groomed art. Its durability, speed of polymerisation and the possibility to create unique nail designs guarantee long-term results. By purchasing this paint, you can be sure of the quality and reliability of the product, which will allow your nails to always look their best.