Glue glass (round)

Code of product 12498Bought 18 times
Glue glass (round)
Code of product 12498Bought 18 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
20 g
7.5 cm
7 cm
0.5 cm
UAH 60.00
Out of stock
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Для полегшення процесу нарощування, а також економії матеріалу, багато майстрів почали переходити на спеціальне скло для клею. Це скло має ідеальну гладку поверхню, завдяки чому крапелька клею на склі довго не висихає і зберігає свою консистенцію. Так само воно легко піддається миттю за допомогою спеціальної рідини.

Glue glass, has a number of advantages. Thanks to its transparency, it allows the technician to more precisely control the amount of glue that is applied to the eyelashes, thus preventing excess and ensuring optimal coverage.

The use of glue glass greatly simplifies the eyelash extension process, allowing craftsmen to more accurately and quickly apply glue to the false eyelashes before gluing them on. Thanks to the smooth and even distribution of glue on the surface of the glass, masters are able to easily mix different types of glue, achieving the desired consistency and achieving the best effect in eyelash extensions.

This tool becomes an indispensable assistant for professional masters, allowing them not only to save time, but also to improve the quality of their work.