Selfie lamp, 3 smartphone holders

Code of product 12055Bought 12 times
Selfie lamp, 3 smartphone holders
Code of product 12055Bought 12 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3791 g
106.5 cm
65.2 cm
18.5 cm
UAH 1,880.82
UAH 2,089.80
in stock
UAH 1,880.82
UAH 2,089.80
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Лампа для селфі (selfie), RL21, без штативу

Кільцева світлодіодна селфі-лампа RL21 (кольорова), 80 W, з 3 тримачами для смартфону та пультом управління.

Кільцева лампа використовується як додаткове освітлення для фото- та відеозйомки. У комплекті з лампою йдуть 3 утримувачі для телефону, які встановлюються в центр лампи. Управління лампою здійснюється за допомогою кнопок, розташованих на самій лампі, а також пульта, який додається в комплект.

Різні режими підсвічування (холодний білий, теплий жовтий, нейтральний денний та кольоровий RGB) задовольняють будь-які потреби в освітленні, дозволяючи створювати різноманітні ефекти.


  • Тип: кільцева селфі-лампа

  • Потужність: 80 W

  • Діаметр зовнішнього кільця: 54 см

  • Регулювання режимів світла: так

  • 2 USB - входи на зворотній частині лампи для підзарядки пристроїв


  • Кільцева LED-лампа 54 см

  • 3 утримувачі для телефону

  • Пульт

  • Сумка

  • Додатково до лампи можна придбати штатив. Уточнюйте у менеджера!

Selfies have become a ubiquitous part of modern-day social culture. From capturing the perfect angle at special events to taking casual snaps with friends, people love to click and share their photos with their social media followers. But how to ensure the perfect lighting for selfies, especially in low-light situations?

Enter the selfie lamp, a handy gadget designed to provide impeccable lighting for your selfies and make your pictures look stunning. This device is not just for the professional photographer or influencer, but also for the average selfie-lover who wants to take their selfie game to the next level.

One of the best features of the selfie lamp is the three smartphone holders. With the three holders, you can mount three different smartphones at different angles and positions, which ensures that you can take a variety of photos for different situations. It is perfect for group shots, where you could use one smartphone for a wide-angle shot, another for a closer shot, and the third for a creative angle.

The selfie lamp comes equipped with adjustable brightness levels, which lets you control the intensity of the light. If you are taking pictures in low-light conditions, you can adjust the brightness of the lamp very easily to get the ideal lighting. The selfie lamp also has a built-in rechargeable battery that lasts for several hours, so you can take photos all night without any worries about the battery running out.

The remarkable thing about the selfie lamp is that it has a 360-degree rotation capability. This makes it easy to adjust the angle of the light easily and helps you to create the perfect lighting conditions for your photo. So whether you want to take photos in landscape or portrait mode, the selfie lamp can help you achieve the perfect angle and lighting.

In conclusion, the selfie lamp is an excellent gadget for anyone who loves taking selfies, whether they are professional photographers or average selfie enthusiasts. It is especially beneficial for users who frequently take photos in low-light conditions. With the three smartphone holders, adjustable brightness levels, 360-degree rotation capability, and built-in rechargeable battery, the selfie lamp is a must-have accessory for all selfie-lovers.