Nail modeling gel Global Fashion 50 gr Yellowish-2

Code of product 11844Bought 26 times
Nail modeling gel Global Fashion 50 gr Yellowish-2
Code of product 11844Bought 26 times
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Weight of product with packaging......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
89 g
50 ml
6.6 cm
6.6 cm
5 cm
UAH 411.60
in stock
UAH 411.60
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Камуфлирующий гель для наращивания и моделирования ногтей от Global Fashion — это двухфазный материал, не требующий нанесения базы. Гель имеет пигментированный цвет, может применяться как для френча, так и в качестве основы под гель-лак, а также служить самостоятельным цветным покрытием. Продукт имеет среднюю консистенцию, не растекается при моделировании, хорошо опиливается пилочкой или фрезой. Гель можно использовать для укрепления ногтевой пластины и наращивания любой, даже экстремальной длины – он очень крепкий. Обладает самовыравнивающимся эффектом, легко распределяется по поверхности, образует идеальный блик, не течёт, хорошо держит форму. Палитра геля содержит прозрачный, белый и 6 самых востребованных оттенков камуфляжа, которые идеально подойдут для решения повседневных задач любого мастера!

Nail modeling gel Global Fashion 50 gr Yellowish-2 is a two-phase gel used for nail extensions. This product is a popular choice among professional nail artists due to its high-quality formula and easy application. It is a versatile product and can be used on natural nails or as an overlay on artificial nails to give them a natural appearance.

The gel is yellowish in color, which adds a touch of elegance to the nails. It is easy to work with as it does not run, thereby allowing precise sculpting and shaping of nails. The gel has medium thickness, making it ideal for both beginner and experienced nail artists.

The Global Fashion 50 gr Yellowish-2 gel is a self-leveling gel that provides a smooth finish, and it is easy to file and buff to achieve the desired shape and shine. The gel also offers good adhesion, allowing for a longer-lasting nail extension.

To use this gel, start by prepping the nails by removing any existing polish, filing the nails to the desired shape, and pushing back cuticles. Apply a base coat to protect the natural nails, followed by a clear bonder to promote adhesion. Using a brush, apply the two-phase gel to the nail, shaping and sculpting it to the desired length and shape. Cure the nails under a UV or LED lamp for the recommended time.

Once the nails are cured, they can be filed and buffed to the desired finish. The result is a beautiful, durable, and natural-looking nail extension that is perfect for any occasion.

In summary, Global Fashion 50 gr Yellowish-2 nail modeling gel is a high-quality product that offers excellent adhesion, self-leveling, and versatility. It is easy to work with and provides a smooth, natural-looking finish that will last for weeks. Whether you are a professional nail artist or a nail enthusiast, this gel is undoubtedly a must-have product in your nail kit.